‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit’ says the LORD of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6

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Greetings! I owe you all an apology. Having neglected my blog for the past couple of months, it is difficult to begin, to explain, because I don’t know what has choked my writing lately. I am aware that finishing the book pretty much sapped my energy and exhausted me. I also spent some time in the hospital in early March with another TIA and scary elevated blood pressure. The doctors told me I had to slow down, so I did…slowed down to a stop! Just couldn’t accomplish anything. We are still monitoring the blood pressure closely, but I am much better.
Fortunately, the book is doing very well. Every day, it seems, someone writes or calls to encourage me and I so appreciate it! My sister advised, “Lois, you rest. Let your book work for you!” I confess that’s about all I’ve been doing.
I wrote the verse above because I am very mindful of its truth as I look back. Four times I was privileged to speak at luncheons to which I had earlier committed. Physically I was depleted, one week out of the hospital, and as I entered the venue I muttered to my friend, “Whatever happens today will be all God, because I have nothing left.” And oh, how He showed up in all His power! His Spirit completely filled me, filled that room. One of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had behind a podium. And it happened with all of the rest of the events. I am so very grateful for the fulfilment of His promise to bolster my weakness with the strength of His Spirit.
In late April we were excited to be able to fly to California to witness our grandson, Joel’s, graduation from California Baptist University in Riverside with a Bachelor of Science degree, Magna Cum Laude. It was a grand weekend. Not only for the big event, but we were also blessed by friends from San Diego who drove up to see us, whom we hadn’t seen in 42 years! So much joy and celebration.
So, with all that behind me, I am taking a self-imposed sabbatical to try and put myself back together, knowing it will only happen by His Spirit, by learning to hear His voice more clearly, trying to lessen the stress and draw closer to the One who loves me and cares for me in ways I am just beginning to comprehend! The sweet thing is that He offers the same to each one of you. We try to do things in our puny might when it just doesn’t work! It doesn’t need to! How wonderful is that!
See you next week. I promise.
Love, Lois